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The Mission

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Unite My City is a network of churches and Christ centered organizations from a variety of denominational, cultural and ethnic backgrounds united to serve together to honor God and transform our city.

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 Together we are better. Together we are stronger. Together we are the Church.

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Statement of Faith

The Lausanne Covenant is the document chosen that best outlines our statement of faith and is the generally what we can come together around.[/text-with-icon]

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What does it mean to be a Unite My City church?

Churches who are active in engaging in this movement strive to:

-Encourage humility within the Church

-Foster unity among the churches through relationship

-Coordinate service outreaches among the churches

-Works with other churches to bring transformation to the city[/text-with-icon]

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The Strategy

Sectors or communities are identified within a city. Soft research is conducted in a specific sector to discover the perceived strengths and concerns of the community then shared with the churches who are willing to participate. Those churches then work together to identify solutions to address common or pressing concerns in a collaborative effort while capitalizing on the strengths. We believe a Kingdom impact in a city is possible through relationship and strategic partnerships. These relationships from church to church or church to another Christ centered organization are possible through humility. Unity is possible in a culture of humility. Through these unified relationships a united service effort is possible leading to transformed lives and cities.[/text-with-icon]

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Join Unite My City

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No special ceremony or secret handshakes are required to join.  Simply put, churches who will practice brotherly love towards one another, serve together, and participate in regular meetings to build relationship and discuss projects or opportunities with each other are a part of Unite My City.

The three areas for possible involvement are:

Prayer – Sector pastors/leaders will come together once a month over lunch and spend time building friendships, praying for one another, and prayerfully brainstorming ways to work together to transform their community.

Service – as concerns and strengths of communities are identified, churches will collaborate to develop a plan to bring solutions to the needs in a community.

Giving – World Compassion initiated administration by hiring a director and utilizing interns to handle administrative tasks and provide support to churches who identify projects to work on together, but the goal is a collective group of pastors and Kingdom leaders serving as a leadership team. Churches and organizations are invited to contribute to underwriting the administrative cost of supporting this administrative effort.

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